artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence

We provide Artificial Intelligence Services and Solutions that help businesses innovate and optimize their processes.

Our expertise in this field is structured around multiple key sectors including, but not limited to, government, telecommunications, insurance, banking, and hotels.

No matter what your core business is, we will help you :

- automate various business operations with less effort

- maximize your return on investment (ROI)

- improve your customer satisfaction and experience.

- reach your clients 24/7 using virtual assistance that is powered by top-notch AI technologies.

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what we do

we create customizable bots scenarios in multilingual and multi-channels with the aim of meeting your requirements

bot design

bot design

the most significant step in the process of chatbot delivery is the definition of the dialog flow, plus the definition of the accurate answer the bot must provide for a given user request.

conversational ux

conversational ux

with the emergence of chatbots comes a new Era of UI/UX: the conversational UX.the way chatbots present the information or answer a user’s request has a big impact on reaching a new customer or retaining an existing one.



chatbots are like children to whom we should teach how to talk. Thus, Chatbot training is a nonstop service that Satoripop provides in its delivery process.

machine learning

machine learning

chatbots have no extra value without machine learning algorithms behind. Our chatbots use these algorithms to understand user intentions through natural language requests, then predict and optimize the customer journey based on his behavior.

our process

We help you use your legacy data to optimize your resources and increase your revenue

data collecting

The first step in the process of chatbot development is the collection of data from your company's all existing communication channels. This includes Facebook pages, LiveChat, FAQ, and more.

We, then, will set up workshops to define with you all the scenarios where the bot has got an added value.

data collecting

data cleaning

After collecting data, we proceed to data cleaning to ensure that the collected data is correct, accurate and relevant for the different possible chatbot scenarios.

data cleaning

bot design

Bot design is probably the most important and challenging step when creating a chatbot. At this level, we create the chatbot user experience and make sure that conversations are as humanized as possible so that the user feels interested and comfortable enough to continue a conversation. We also define the channels to which the chatbot will be deployed, at this level.

bot design

implementation et training

Here comes the technical step, where we implement logic behind every scenario and dialog of the bot, including calling business information systems and other third-party applications. At the same time, we work on the bot training by feeding the NLU algorithm with the data once cleaned.

implementation et training


Chatbot training continues even after deploying the chatbot. The questions and requests coming from end-users will be used along with other data sets to optimize the bot and minimize the risk of errors and misunderstandings between the bot and users.


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